Guided tour: Tunnel view and village station

Industrial culture

Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area / Neusta POIs / Guided tour: Tunnel view and village station

What the Prussians once created to promote the economy is now used for local and regional leisure activities:

historische Lock "Emma" am alten Bahnhof

durch den Wegeringhauser Tunnel.jpg

Der Wegeringhauser Tunnel und die Fledermäuse 2.jpg


Guided tour: Tunnel view and village station

Vorm Bahnhof

57489 Drolshagen

Telephone: 02763 212858




  • Parking spaces available
  • Bus stop available
  • Free admission
  • open on request/by arrangement

After its closure, the route of a branch line became part of the supra-regional cycle path network with the highlight of the listed and longest cycle path tunnel in NRW. Committed residents of Hützemert also campaigned to preserve the last station building in Drolshagen and convert it into a meeting place for village purposes and events.

The result is a monument with intensive and cultural use. This guided tour can be booked with a historical focus on the Dieringhausen - Olpe branch line as well as the exciting story of the preservation, planning and redesign of the "Alter Bahnhof" Hützemert meeting point. Both topics are united by the efforts of the respective stakeholders to actively shape their surroundings. Enjoy and experience a living monument with a look "behind the tunnel".

Sacha Koch
Tel.: 02763 212858
bookable from 8 to max.
20 people*

* a small donation is requested after the tour, if you like it.



Price to be agreed with the guide.

Business hours

Make an appointment at:


You can reach the Hützmerter train station by car or bike.

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Please note that after activation, data will be transmitted to the respective provider.