Fishing on Biggesee and Listersee

in the Biggesee-Listersee nature area

Fishing on the Biggesee and the Listersee

Price as of November 20, 2023, for 2024.





Annual permit

75.00 €

67.00 €

75.00 €

Weekly permit


28.00 €


Two-day permit


18.00 €


Day permit


10.00 €


Youth annual permit


32.00 €


Handicap annual permit


32.00 €



Important notices for Biggesee and Listersee including drinking water area:

Restricted use of sonar

During angling activities from July 1st to September 30th, it is prohibited to carry any type of sonar/echolocation devices. Violations of this regulation will result in immediate termination of the fishing authorization as well as a temporary suspension of the customer account in the FEV online shop.

Bait restrictions

Starting from April 1st, 2024, the following bait regulations apply for catching whitefish and perch:

  • One bait/bite location per hand line
  • Five-bite location rig without additional bodies

Foreign guests

Foreign guests residing in Germany for less than a year must provide proof in the form of an examination certificate or a fishing permit. A yearly fishing license can be obtained from the respective municipal or city administration for a fee of 16.00 euros and upon presentation of a passport photo. Dutch guests receive the fishing license without proof of knowledge, as no fishing exam is required in the Netherlands.


During the warm summer months, depending on temperature orientation, the main location of fish is at approximately 10 meters depth.

Fishing at Biggesee

Biggesee, with an impressive water surface of 714 hectares, stretches over a length of 14 kilometers and is up to 1,000 meters wide. The maximum water depth in the dam area is 50 meters.

Among the sought-after fish species, you can find eels weighing up to 2 kilograms, perch up to 2.5 kilograms, impressive pikes with a potential of up to 18 kilograms, as well as impressive carp weighing up to 15 kilograms, and bream up to 3 kilograms. Brown trout and pikeperch, which can reach up to 10 kilograms, are also found in Biggesee. Roach, small vendace, rudd, and catfish further enrich the diversity of fish species.

Catch limit: It is prohibited to catch more than two fish of the following species in a single day: pike, trout, pikeperch, large vendace, as well as perch over 35 cm in length (for example: 1 pike + 1 pikeperch = a total of 2 fish of the mentioned species).

Fishing regulations:

  • 2 fishing rods
  • One hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset
  • Night fishing from June 1st to October 31st from the shore is allowed
  • Fishing from boats on the Olpe forebay is not allowed from February 15th to May 15th to protect the spawning pikeperch there
  • All baits, except live bait fish
  • Fishing from boats (manually operated boats) is allowed with all fishing permits without additional fees. The use of an electric motor is only permitted in conjunction with a valid electric motor permit.

Fishing at Listersee

With an impressive water surface of 162 hectares and a length of 4.5 kilometers, Listersee is one of the five forebays of the imposing Biggesee. Listersee stretches up to a width of 400 meters and reaches an impressive maximum water depth of 33 meters at full capacity.

In terms of fish species diversity, Listersee offers a true paradise for anglers. Here you can find eels weighing up to 2 kilograms, alpine lake char, perch (also up to 2 kilograms), impressive pikes with a potential of up to 15 kilograms, as well as equally impressive carp. Breams of up to 3 kilograms and brown trouts weighing up to 7 kilograms are also found here, as well as pikeperch of up to 10 kilograms. Additionally, roaches, bream, and rudd populate the water.

Catch limit:
It is prohibited to catch more than two fish of the species pike, trout, pikeperch, and perch over 35 cm in length in a single day, in addition to more than four char and five whitefish (for example: 1 pike + 1 pikeperch = a total of 2 fish of the mentioned species).

Fishing regulations:

  • 2 fishing rods
  • One hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset
  • Night fishing from June 1st to October 31st from the shore is allowed
  • All baits, except live bait fish
  • Fishing from boats (manually operated boats) including trolling is allowed with all fishing permits without additional fees. The use of an electric motor is not allowed.
  • The drinking water part of the water body (marked by buoys) is not subject to general fishing activities.

Source: Ruhrverband