Meinerzhagen circular hiking trail (A2) - Butmicker Waldrunde

Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area / Neusta Touren / Meinerzhagen circular hiking trail (A2) - Butmicker Waldrunde

The A2 circular hiking trail in the south of Meinerzhagen, in the Oben an der Volme region in the Märkisches Sauerland, takes you on a short loop through the forests above the Aggerquelle.

Der Weg startet mit bester Aussicht auf die Mattenschanzen

Der Weg eignet sich perfekt für einen Spaziergang am Morgen

Der Weg belohnt immer wieder mit traumhaften Aussichten

Tour starting point:

Schallershaus hiking parking lot

Tour destination point:

Schallershaus hiking parking lot


  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route
  • free of charge / accessible at any time

Additional Information

As guests in the forest, we show understanding, respect and correct behavior to ensure the use, protection and recreation of our forest.


regionaler Wanderweg


2.9 km


0:47 h

Elevation ascent

53 m

Elevation descent

53 m

Lowest point

447 m

Highest point

497 m



Recommended seasons


Starting at the entrance to the Sauerland-Höhenflug, at the Schallershaus hiking parking lot, this circular hiking trail first takes you along the road towards "Schnüffel" before you immerse yourself in nature and thus in the forests. On forest paths and forest and meadow trails, you hike leisurely through the woods and thus also partly reach the Sauerland Höhenflug quality hiking trail before you reach your starting point at the hiking parking lot again.

Wanderparkplatz Schallershaus

Infotafeln am Rande des Parkplatzes

Der Wanderparkplatz Schallershaus befindet sich nahe den Meinhardus-Mattenschanzen in Meinerzhagen und ist (neben Altena und Korbach) einer von den drei Einstiegspunkten zum Sauerland-Höhenflug.

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Scheuerpfahl (Skulptur) - der Schutzengel

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0 km 0.5 km 1 km 1.5 km 2 km 2.5 km 425 m 450 m 475 m 500 m 525 m 550 m 458 507



Sturdy walking shoes are recommended due to the alternating ground surfaces and the sometimes narrow footpaths through woods and meadows.

Safty guidelines

After rainy days, the natural paths in particular can be somewhat slippery and soggy.

First aid: In an emergency, call the emergency number 112 and quote the rescue point number. Rescue points are marked access points in the forest for rescue vehicles. If the nearest rescue point is not known, your location can be called up directly via AML (Advanced Mobile Location) during the emergency call.

Author Tip

A stop at the Hotel Restaurant Am Schnüffel (Heerstraße 10, Tel. 02354/2580, is recommended for all "hikers".

From the Schallershaus hiking parking lot, it is also worth taking a short detour to the Volmequelle.


Hiking map Oberes Volmetal - Second edition - ISBN number 9 783866 369207

Public transiot

With the RB 25 Coming from Cologne or Lüdenscheid, get off at Meinerzhagen station. Follow the "Sauerland-Höhenflug Höhenflug" access trail sign (white H, black background). After approx. 15 minutes on foot (uphill) you will reach the Schallershaus hiking parking lot.

Getting there

Arrival via the A45, Meinerzhagen highway exit, continue in the direction of Gummersbach / Marienheide. Then keep left and turn into the Schallerhaus hiking parking lot (Sauerland-Höhenflug hiking parking lot).

Coming from the west (Marienheide), reach the town entrance sign for Meinerzhagen. Then cross the following two traffic circles. Then turn right onto the Schallerhaus hiking parking lot (Sauerland Höhenflug hiking parking lot).


Parking is available free of charge at the Schallershaus hiking parking lot.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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