City of Drolshagen

Liveable, lovable, worth seeing

Recreation Destination Drolshagen – Your Quick Path to Nature

Drolshagen Land is part of the Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park, a tranquil, forested low mountain range. The city of Drolshagen includes 57 small, sometimes picturesque villages, partially embedded in nature. Among them, Essinghausen was awarded the title of Landesgolddorf (State Gold Village), and in 1998, it was honored as Bundessilberdorf (Federal Silver Village). Numerous paths lead along babbling streams through charming meadow grounds up to the heights. The expansive view over valleys and mountains on clear days extending to the Siebengebirge, the fresh air, birds chirping in summer, or the silence of the winter landscape captivate the senses and make Drolshagen Land unforgettable. In 2022, Drolshagen was recognized as a recreational destination.

Drolshagen Land has much to offer hikers. About 140 km of well-marked and SGV (Sauerländischer Gebirgsverein) marked hiking trails explore a diverse area. An emergency number with coordinates is provided on all trail signs for added safety.

Cyclists can also discover a lot here. Four cycling routes through Drolshagen Land and the "Agger-Bigge Runde" (Agger-Bigge Round) are available as a free map at the Drolshagen citizen's office. Additional information and downloads of cycling and hiking routes for all common GPS devices can be found at

The History of Drolshagen On March 2, 1477, the freedom of Drolshagen was elevated to the status of a city by the Archbishop of Cologne, Ruprecht von der Pfalz, and it now received walls and a market. In May 1838, Drolshagen burned down completely, leaving only a few buildings standing. The winding town was then rebuilt with straight streets and right-angled intersections. The current town center is a testament to that time.

The Marketplace The marketplace was established after the fire of 1838 and received its present design in 1991. The fountain in the center commemorates key points in the town's history, accompanied by four sayings of the mystic Angelus Silesius (1624-1677). After the town fire, only wealthy citizens could settle on the marketplace and along the main street. The farther the building plots extend along the streets extending from here, the more modest the new buildings were during the reconstruction. The house at the corner of Annostraße/Kirchplatz, which houses a restaurant, is one of the first stone buildings in Drolshagen. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Until then, there were exclusively half-timbered buildings with wattle and daub construction.

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Alter Bahnhof Hützemert - am Tor zu Südwestfalen



Der kleine Dräulzer







Hiking Trails

Drolshagen A5 Golddorf, Natur und mehr
Schwierigkeit: Mittel | Strecke: 13.6km | Dauer: 3:45h | Aufstieg: 269m | Abstieg: 269m
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Drolshagen A1 Wasser, Ruhe und Kunst
Schwierigkeit: Mittel | Strecke: 14.2km | Dauer: 3:55h | Aufstieg: 218m | Abstieg: 218m
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Bicycle Tours

Drolshagen A1 Wasser, Ruhe und Kunst

Schwierigkeit: Mittel | Strecke: 14.2km | Dauer: 3:55h | Aufstieg: 218m | Abstieg: 218m

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Drolshagen A5 Golddorf, Natur und mehr

Schwierigkeit: Mittel | Strecke: 13.6km | Dauer: 3:45h | Aufstieg: 269m | Abstieg: 269m

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